#127 PRIDE / 今井美樹 by H ZETTRIO

今井美樹の12枚目のシングル。1996年11月4日発売。今井美樹の代表曲であり、最大のヒット曲。本人もお気に入りの楽曲であり、ライブでは毎回必ず歌われる。「Miss You」以来となるドラマ主題歌となりヒット。発売週のオリコンシングルチャートでは、前作の累計売上の約2倍となる初動売上を記録。ドラマの高視聴率と共に売上も伸び、最終的には160万枚を超える大ヒット曲となった。約1ヶ月間上位をキープし続けた後、ドラマが終盤となった12月下旬に、再び返り咲きで2週連続の同チャート1位を獲得した。(フリー百科事典 ウィキペディア日本語版より:https://x.gd/wcdmr)


Miki Imai’s 12th single. Released on November 4, 1996. Miki Imai’s representative song and biggest hit. It is also his favorite song, and he always sings it at every live performance. It became the first drama theme song since “Miss You” and became a hit. On the Oricon Singles Chart the week of its release, it recorded initial sales that were approximately double the cumulative sales of its predecessor. Along with the drama’s high audience ratings, sales also increased, and ultimately the song became a huge hit, selling over 1.6 million copies. After staying at the top for about a month, in late December, when the drama was ending, it made a comeback and topped the chart for two consecutive weeks. (From the free encyclopedia Wikipedia Japanese version: https://x.gd/wcdmr)

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